It continued with a trip to meet with Rick Hoyt of Team Hoyt for some inspiration.
Then it became a 75 mile bike ride for MS up on the southern end of the Eastern Shore, but transportation & logistics were our enemies. Too far away and much too much time involved.
So it became a 60 mile bike ride with the Tour de Cure for diabetes, held locally.
Then he got worried about being in the jogging stroller (attached to my bicycle) for so long, and it turned into the 10 mile Tour de Cure family fun ride.
An additional event was added - the Shamrock 8k here at the oceanfront - with our local Team Hoyt and his physical therapist. He had a blast.
But transportation was again our enemy. I found out that the handicapped buses don't go down to southern Chesapeake, where the Tour de Cure is being held. Suffice it to say I investigated other transportation options and went to talk it over with him. His final decision?
Bike rides at the beach and Cape Henry. Easy transportation, he gets to look at the beach, easier access to facilities (because, well, you know), and we work on getting a ride together for United Cerebral Palsy - a cause much more near & dear to his heart, for obvious reasons.
This is kinda what I would have looked like, except no hairy legs. And no beard. And long red hair.Transportation is a major issue in our little scenario. Since I am a staff member at the Home, I must understandably abide by their policies and procedures when I take him out, meaning my options are limited. If I use a private vehicle, I have to be able to tether down his car seat. It just does barely fit into my car, but then I would have to cut a hole in the roof for his head to stick through. Now, I'm very fond of the kid, but nuh uh, ain't gonna happen. Same problem with BS's pick-up.
And if I did find a private vehicle that would fit the car seat, there is the problem of his wheelchair. It is a power chair and weighs just about 137, 258 pounds. Or close to. Ain't no way I'm getting that thing in anyone's trunk, or their van, or their anything else. So that leaves me with the public handicapped transportation. We used this before to go to the movies with BS, and it was great. The only drawback is they don't go everywhere, like southern Chesapeake or any other rural part of our fair region. We are limited to the main bus routes. Still, that service will prove to be a blessing when we want to go out.
So now what? I still want to do something soon, and I got to thinking. Maybe I'll walk on over to my mother's beach condo for dinner some nice Saturday soon, huh? Does that sound good? Oh right, I can just hear you sneering now. Big deal.
But it is, really. I'll have to start at the crack of dawn, since she lives on the bay, a splash over 13 miles from my house. There will be plenty of places along the way to stop & pee or get a drink, and by the time I get there, I'm gonna be hungry, so dinner better be good. By that time, the view off her balcony will be a lovely sunset like this one. . .

And you know what's funny? 13 miles from her house to mine, and that's only in a small part of Virginia Beach. It is one big-ass city. If I centered this Google Earth image correctly, I have Virginia Beach from top (the Chesapeake Bay) to bottom (the North Carolina line), and my little stroll is only in the northern part. Click on it and it will enlarge.
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