I would not include either of these individuals on my list of favorite performers in this or any other universe.
No matter how we scorned them in their later years . . .
No matter how they chose self-destructive paths in life . . .
For my generation,
(and in their youth)
they were quintessential icons.
Farrah Fawcett - for a generation of teenage boys, she was the ultimate fantasy, with an underlying sweetness that belied the sexy image. She no doubt made their adolescence a little, uh, more fun (ahem).

http://beyondbreastcancer.files.wordpress.com; http://redriverautographs.files.wordpress.com; http://www.nndb.com/people
Michael Jackson - regardless of what anyone thought of the surreal & bizarre nature of his later years, in a purely objective sense, he was a brilliant & gifted musician. And quite a handsome young man.

http://celebrity-blogger.com/images; http://myplay.com/files/video_stills; http://www.tvgasm.com/newsgasm
There are celebrity deaths all the time, though not usually 2 such prominent ones on the same day.
Why do I post about these?
No matter how we scorned them in their later years . . .
No matter how they chose self-destructive paths in life . . .
For my generation, they were quintessential icons.
This makes me feel old.
Well put Kathy.
Nice post, Ticky.
After Ed McMahon died the other day,
Mr. Hawthorne reminded me of about when celebrities die, it's usually in threes.
The other night when I told Mr. Hawthorne about Ed dying, he asked me, "Who do you think will be next?"
I immediately responded with, "Farrah Fawcett."
I was shocked when her name ticker-taped across my TV today.
When Mr. Hawthorne called to tell me about Farrah dying, I tried to think of the third, and I just drew a blank.
To quote another generational icon who died - "strange days indeed"
I must admit, learning the "Thriller" dance is on my 'bucket List'.
Nicely put. I enjoyed the tribute. And I know what you mean.
Someone else is using my name!!
the real Nana
Heello mate great blog post
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